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Let's Be Social...

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Support the Mission

Let's Be Social...

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Peer Support Membership
Let's Be Social...

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Individual Memberships

Help Us Help Them


Our commitment to this cause is deeply rooted in our understanding of its importance. Our founder, a former Contractor for the Department of Defense and a seasoned EMS first responder, has personally experienced the transformative impact of peer support programs. We've witnessed the profound positive change these programs can bring to the lives of first responders.

When you contribute to our "Help Us Help Them" campaign, you become a vital part of our mission. Your recent gift directly fuels the development and launch of our Peer Support Program, Employee Assistance Program, and mental health and wellness educational initiatives and retreats.

We invite you to stand with us, making a tangible difference in the lives of our frontline heroes. Your support is the cornerstone of our progress, and we genuinely appreciate your role in our journey.

By contributing today, you play a pivotal role in building a more robust and resilient first responder community. Thank you for being a part of this transformative mission.



See how your contribution makes an impact




Wife of Nic Roye,
a First Responder who was killed

They put this golf tournament together for money for the kids and it means more than words can say. The kids will look back and see that this group of people came together to not only remember their father but to help them and set them up for something that they can’t really think about right now. Just having people surround you and hold you together when you can’t do it yourself (gives me strength).




Melissa & Brad

Mother and Step Dad of Nic Roye,
a First Responder who was killed

It's been a tough time, and it's been made a lot easier by the support of the first responder community, and we are blessed that they came together and wanted to put this tournament together for the benefit of Nic's children, and we are very thankful for that.






Kevin Crenshaw


Mind the Frontline is a great organization that steps up with us, and they always provide for us in ways that we can't, so it's always good to come out and support them the way that they support the families and the people who are out here doing the work. It's always good to come out and support someone like that, who will to go to bat for us.



Support the Peer Support Team Mission





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